Role of blood-brain barrier, innate immunity, and tau protein oligomerization in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease
Project of the Croatian Science Foundation grant no. IP-2019-04-3584 (15 Jan 2020 - 14 Jan 2024)
Uloga krvno-moždane barijere, urođene imunosti i oligomerizacije tau proteina u patogenezi Alzheimerove bolesti
Projekt Hrvatske zaklade za znanost br. IP-2019-04-3584 (15. siječnja 2020. - 14. siječnja 2024. godine)
Hrvatska zaklada za znanost
Croatian Science Foundation
Poveznica na prethodni HRZZ projekt / Link to the previous CSF project
Project collaborators / Suradnici na projektu:
Velimir Altabas, Mirjana Babić Leko, Danira Bažadona, Antonela Blažeković, Marina Boban, Mirta Boban, Srećko Branica, Lea Langer Horvat, Dražen Huić, Vesna Lukinović-Škudar, Ana Mlinarić, Martina Rinčić, Ankica Sekovanić, Ena Španić, Željka Vogrinc, Klara Zubčić
Project leader / Voditelj projekta:
Goran Šimić
Summary of the project
The amyloid cascade hypothesis explains familial cases of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) with known mutations, but is insufficient to explain sporadic, late-onset AD that accounts for over 95% of all cases. Genetic and experimental studies have implicated microglial dysfunction and blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption as causal factors for AD. We propose an in-depth analysis of these aspects of the disease that may contribute mechanistically to the development of tau protein aggregation and neurofibrillary lesions, which show the highest correlation with clinical symptoms and progression of AD. Our aims are: 1. To examine the relationships between cognitive status of healthy controls (HC), subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and AD subjects with blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) markers of innate immune activation; a battery of neuropsychological tests, MRI analysis of cortical atrophy, auditory event-related potentials will be performed, and cognition assessed by the hidden-goal test using the ALZENTIA® system we developed; 2. To determine the BBB permeability in HC, MCI, and AD subjects by measuring CSF/blood albumin ratio and levels of neurofilament light chain and S100B proteins, as well as concentrations of 24 metal, metalloids, and trace elements; 3. To evaluate neuroimmune activation in the 3 groups through assessment of CSF and blood TNF?, IL-1ß, VILIP-1, YKL-40, sTREM2, MCP1, CCL3, CCL4, and eotaxin-3, and postmortem tissue markers of neuroinflammation and M1 microglial activation (C1q, CD11b, CD68, CX3CR1, HLA-DR, IBA1, TREM2) and through immunocytochemical analysis of BBB integrity (AQP4 channels, collagen type IV) and function (LRP1, VDRLR, and RAGE receptors) in HC and AD brains as well as in Wistar rats inoculated with pathological tau oligomers; and 4. To construct a luminescent reporter for monitoring human tau oligomerization in living yeast cells, which we will use to examine the effect of proteotoxic stress and aging on tau oligomerization.
Sažetak projekta
Hipoteza amiloidne kaskade dobro objašnjava obiteljske slucajeve Alzheimerove bolesti (AD) s poznatim mutacijama, ali je nedostatna za razumijevanje nastanka sporadicne AD s kasnim pocetkom koja cini više od 95% svih slucajeva AD. Geneticka i eksperimentalna istraživanja ukazuju da bi disfunkcija mikroglije i povecana propusnost krvno-moždane barijere (BBB) mogli biti uzrocni cimbenici za nastanak AD. Zato predlažemo detaljnu analizu tih manje istraženih aspekata bolesti jer mogu doprinijeti objašnjenju agregacije tau proteina i neurofibrilarne patologije koja najbolje korelira s klinickim simptomima i napredovanjem bolesti. Naši su ciljevi: 1. ispitati odnose izmedu kognicije zdravih kontrola (HC), ispitanika s blagim spoznajnim oštecenjem (MCI) i ispitanika s AD s biološkim biljezima urodene imunosti u krvi i likvoru; osim niza neuropsiholoških testova, MR analize kortikalne atrofije i slušnih evociranih potencijala, stanje kognicije cemo procjenjivati testom skrivenog objekta pomocu vlastitog ALZENTIA® sustava; 2. odrediti propusnost BBB u HC, MCI, i AD ispitanika mjerenjem omjera albumina u likvoru i serumu te odredivanjem razine lakog lanca neurofilamenata i S100B proteina, kao i 24 metala, metaloida i elementa u tragovima; 3. procijeniti stupanj neuroimunološke aktivacije u sve 3 skupine ispitanika putem mjerenja vrijednosti TNF?, IL-1ß, VILIP-1, YKL-40, sTREM2, MCP1, CCL3, CCL4 i eotaksina-3 u krvi i likvoru te vizualizacijom neuroinflamacije i M1 mikroglije u postmortalnim uzorcima mozga (C1q, CD11b, CD68, CX3CR1, HLA-DR, Iba1, TREM2) i analize integriteta (prikaz akvaporinskih AQP4 kanala i kolagena tipa IV) i funkcije (prikaz LRP1, VDRLR i RAGE receptora) BBB u HC i AD, kao i mozgovima Wistar štakora inokuliranih patološkim tau oligomerima; i 4. Konstruirati luminescentni reporter za pracenje oligomerizacije tau proteina covjeka u živim stanicama kvasca, koje cemo koristiti za ispitivanje ucinka proteotoksicnog stresa i starenja na tau oligomerizaciju.
Project publications / Publikacije proistekle iz projekta
15. I. 2020 - 14. I. 2021
Langer Horvat L, Španić E, Babić Leko M, Mladinov M, Hof Patrick R., Šimić G. Novel non-transgenic rat tauopathy model induced by injection of tau oligomers into the entorhinal cortex. FENS Forum Glasgow 11-15 July 2020. poster abstract certificate
Babić Leko M, Nikolac Perković M, Krbot Skorić M, Klepac N, Vogrinc Ž, Švob Štrac D, Borovečki F, Pivac N, Hof PR, Šimić G. IL-1ß single nucleotide polymorphism as potential genetic biomarker of Alzheimer's disease. Croatian congress on Alzheimer's disease with international participation – CROCAD-20v (virtual congress), 16.X.2020. Neurologia Croatica 2020; 69 (Suppl. 2): 51. (Prva nagrada za najbolji poster)
Langer Horvat L, Španić E, Babić Leko M, Šimić G. Novel non-transgenic rat tauopathy model induced by injection of tau oligomers into the entorhinal cortex Croatian congress on Alzheimer's disease with international participation – CROCAD-20v (virtual congress), 16.X.2020. Neurologia Croatica 2020; 69 (Suppl. 2): 48. (Prva nagrada za najbolji poster)
15. I. 2021 - 14. VII. 2022
Leko M, Nikolac Perković M, Nedić Erjavec G, Klepac N, Švob Štrac D, Borovečki
F, Pivac N, Hof PR, Šimić G. (2021) Povezanost polimorfizma jednog nukleotida
u genima za MAOB i APOE u Alzheimerovoj bolesti. 1. Kongres Hrvatske Alzheimer
alijanse s medunarodnim sudjelovanjem, 19-21. svibnja 2021.
Neurologia Croatica 2021; 70 (Suppl. 1): 111.
Jurković Ana (2021) Povezanost samodomestikacije
čovjeka i poremećaja iz autističnog spektra. Diplomski rad. Medicinski fakultet
Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
Babić Leko M, Nikolac Perković M, Nedić Erjavec G, Klepac N, Švob Štrac D, Borovečki F, Pivac N, Hof PR, Šimić G (2021) Association of the MAOB rs1799836 single nucleotide polymorphism and APOE epsilon4 allele in Alzheimer's disease. Current Alzheimer's Research 18 (7): 585-594. (i.f. = 3,498) 1160933
Šimić, G., Krsnik, Ž., Knezović, V., Kelović, Z., Mathiasen M. L., Junaković, A., Radoš, M., Mulc, D., Španić, E., Quattrocolo, G., Hall, V.H., Zaborszky, L., Vukšić, M., Bordonau, F. O., Kostović, I., Witter, M. P., Hof, P.R. Prenatal development of the human entorhinal cortex (2022) The Journal of Comparative Neurology 530(15): 2711-2748. doi: 10.1002/cne.25344. 1195742 (i.f. = 3,215)
15. VII. 2022. -
14. VI. 2024.
Španić, E., Langer Horvat, L., Ilić, K., Hof, P.R., Šimić, G. (2022) NLRP1 inflammasome activation in the hippocampal formation in Alzheimer's disease: correlation with neuropathological changes and unbiasedly estimated neuronal loss. Cells 11(14): 2223. 1206137 (i.f. = 7,666)
Golubić, A. T., Huić, D., Šimić, G. Biomarkers – emerging concepts in Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease: update 2022. Manual of the University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Medicinska naklada, Zagreb, 2022, pp. 8-12. 1215049
Štampar, E. “Expression of LRP1 receptor in the hippocampal formation in healthy and subjects with Alzheimer's disease”, 2022, Diploma Thesis, 1225494
Španić, E., Šimić, G. Fiziološke promjene mozga s dobi i vulnerabilnost za nastanak psihičkih poremećaja (poglavlje 3). U: Psihijatrija starije dobi (ur. Mimica, N., Kušan Jukić, M. i suradnici), Sveučilišni udžbenik, Medicinska naklada Zagreb, pp. 12-26. 1221852
Klara Zubčić, mag. biol. mol., “Influence of proteotoxic stress on aggregation and toxicity of a human tau protein expressed in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae”, PhD thesis defended on 12.XII.2022. 1249249
Lea Langer Horvat, mag. biol. mol., “Development and characterization of a non-transgenic rat model of tauopathy induced by injection of tau protein into the entorhinal cortex”, PhD thesis defended on 14.XII.2022. 1249254
Babić Marija, Banović Maria, Berečić Ivana (Goran Šimić - mentor, University of Zagreb School of Medicine), Total tau protein, light chain of neurofilaments, and S100B protein in the cerebrospinal fluid of spinal atrophy patients treated with nusinersen („Ukupni tau protein, laki lanac neurofilamenta i S100B protein u likvoru bolesnika sa spinalnom mišićnom atrofijom liječenih nusinersenom“), University of Zagreb School of Medicine Dean's Award for the best students work 2022. (Nagrada dekana Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu za najbolji studentski rad znanstveni 2022. godine) 1251557
Ena Španić Popovački, mag. biol. exp., “Association of inflammation mediators with microglial and inflammasome activation and CSF biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease”, PhD thesis defended on 12.I.2023. 1250302
Leko, M., Nikolac Perković, M., Španić, E., Švob Štrac, D., Pleić, N., Vogrinc,
Ž., Gunjača, I., Bežovan, D., Nedić Erjavec, G., Klepac, N., Borovečki, F.,
Zemunik, T., Pivac, N., Hof, P.R., Šimić, G.
Serotonin receptor gene polymorphisms are associated with cerebrospinal fluid,
genetic, and neuropsychological biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease. Biomedicines
2022, 10(12), 3118. (i.f. = 4,757) 1237806
G., Vukić, V., Babić, M., Banović, M., Berečić, I.,Španić, E., Zubčić, K., Golubić,
A.T., Barišić Kutija, M., Merkler Šorgić, A., Vogrinc, Ž., Lehman, I., Hof,
P.R., Sertić, J., Barišić, N.
Total tau in cerebrospinal fluid detects treatment responders among spinal muscular
atrophy types 1-3 patients treated with nusinersen.
CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics 2022; doi: 10.1111/cns.14051
(i.f. = 7,035) 1248439
Babić Leko, M., Mihelčić, M., Jurasović, J., Nikolac Perković, M., Španić, E., Sekovanić, A., Orct, T., Zubčić, K., Langer Horvat, L., Pleić, N., Kiđemet-Piskač, S., Vogrinc, Ž., Pivac, N., Diana, A., Borovečki, F., Hof, P.R., Šimić, G. Heavy metals and essential metals are associated with cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022; 24(1), 467. (i.f. = 6,208) 1249190
Langer Horvat, L., Španić Popovački, E., Babić Leko, M., Zubčić, K., Horvat, L., Mustapić, M., Hof, P. R., Šimić, G. Anterograde and retrograde propagation of inoculated human tau fibrils and human tau oligomers in a non-transgenic rat tauopathy model. (2023) Biomedicines 11(4), 1004. (i.f. = 4,757) 1263284
Leko, M., Langer Horvat, L., Španić Popovački, E., Zubčić, K., Hof, P. R., Šimić,
G. Metals in Alzheimer’s disease (2023) Biomedicines 11(4). 1161
(i.f. = 4,757) 1266481
Zubčić, K.,
Franić, D., Pravica, M., Hof, P. R., Šimić, G., Boban, M. Effects of heterologous
human tau protein expression in yeast models of proteotoxic stress response.
June 21, 2023 CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics doi: 10.1111/cns.14304.
(i.f. = 7,035) 1280388
Popovački, E., Babić Leko, M., Langer Horvat, L., Brgić, K., Vogrinc, Ž., Boban,
M., Klepac, N., Borovečki, F., Šimić, G. Soluble TREM2 concentrations in the
cerebrospinal fluid correlate with the severity of neurofibrillary degeneration,
cognitive impairment, and inflammasome activation in Alzheimer’s disease. Neurology
International 2023; 15(3): 842-856. (i.f. =3,0) 798337
Babić, M., Banović, M.,
Berečić, I., Banić, T., Babić Leko, M., Ulamec, M., Junaković, A., Kopić, J.,
Sertić, J., Barišić, N., Šimić, G. Molecular biomarkers for the diagnosis, prognosis,
and pharmacodynamics of spinal muscular atrophy. Journal of Clinical Medicine
2023; 12(15): 5060. (i.f. = 4,964) 798338
Dina Franić: „Selektivna
razgradnja pogrešno smotanih proteina u stanicama kvasca Saccharomyces cerevisiae
u mirovanju“ / "Selective degradation of misfolded proteins in quiescent
Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells" (supervisor: Mirta Boban),
Ph.D. thesis defended on April 15, 2024.
Verma R, Jayakumar J, Folkerth
R, Manger PR, Bota M, Majumder M, Pandurangan K, Savoia S, Karthik S, Kumarasami
R, Joseph J, Rohini G, Vasudevan S, Srinivasan C, Lata S, Kumar EH, Rangasami
R, Kumutha J, Suresh, Šimić G, Mitra PP, Sivaprakasam M. Histological characterization
and development of mesial surface sulci in the human brain at 13-15 weeks through
hish-resolution histology
Journal of Comparative Neurology 2024; 532(4): e25612. (i.f. =
Presentations related to the project / Predavanja i prezentacije projekta
15. I. 2020 - 14. I. 2021
Poremećaji neotenije i samodomestikacije kao mogući mehanizmi nastanka shizofrenije i autizma // Pozvano predavanje Zavoda za fiziologiju i imunologiju Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 14.I.2020. 1047141
Patogeneza autizma // Pozvano predavanje Hrvatskog
pedijatrijskog društva Hrvatskog liječničkog zbora, Zagreb, 27.II.2020. 1063596
Šimić, G. The ALZENTIA system: a sensitive non-invasive
hidden goal test for early cognitive impairment screening. Better Future of
Healthy Ageing conference.
Zagreb, Škola narodnog zdravlja „Andrija Štampar“, Zagreb, 3.VI.2020. 1071257
Večernji list - PANORAMA 14. srpnja 2020. - osvrt na znanstveni članak u Molecular Psychiatry
Total Croatian News 27th July 2020
15. I. 2021 - 14. VII. 2022
Šimić, G. Mozak i emocije, pozvano predavanje.
Stručni skup za stručne suradnike pedagoge u srednjim školama Grada Zagreba
i stručne suradnike u uceničkim domovima RH. Županijsko stručno vijeće stručnih
suradnika pedagoga srednjih škola Grada Zagreba i Županijsko stručno vijeće
stručnih suradnika u učeničkim domovima RH. Zagreb, Škola za medicinske sestre
Mlinarska, 19.III.2021. 1119547
G. Biomarkerska specificnost demencija frontotemporalnog spektra i Alzheimerove
bolesti. Poslijediplomski tečaj „Alzheimerova bolest i frontotemporalna demencija
u kliničkoj praksi“
Zagreb, 17.IX.2021. ppt
G. Povećava li opća anestezija rizik za Alzheimerovu bolest? Drugi hrvatski
kongres o neurodegenerativnim bolestima s medunarodnim sudjelovanjem
Zagreb, 28.X.2021. ppt
G. Kavli lecture: Role of subputaminal nucleus in language: enigma of primary
progressive aphasia solved? Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience at NTNU,
lecture invited by prof. Menno Witter,
Trondheim, 12.XI.2021. ppt
intervju Nacional 22.III.2022.
K, Franić D, Pravica M, Renić M, Bedalov A, Šimić G, Boban M. Characterization
of human tau protein in chronologically aged yeast cells. Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory Book of Abstracts 2022: 148.
Conference „Protein homeostasis in health and disease“, Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory, New York, 26-30.IV.2022. 1199140
Zubčić K, Franić
D, Pravica M, Renić M, Bedalov A, Šimić G, Boban M. Characterization of human
tau protein in yeast cells
Meeting of the COST Action CA20113 „ProteoCure“, Ljubljana, 17-19.V.2022.
Zubčić K, Matičević A, Šimić G, Boban
M. Characterization of human tau protein expressed in yeast. Xjenza 2022;
10: 164.
8th MNS Conference, Dubrovnik, 29.V.-2.VI.2022. 1198442
Španić E, Babić Leko M, Brgić K, Vogrinc
Ž, Boban M, Borovečki F, Klepac N, Šimić G. Analysis of ASC protein levels
in CSF and plasma of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease subjects
Xjenza 2022; 10: 161-162. 8th MNS Conference, Dubrovnik, 29.V.-2.VI.2022.
Mihelčić M, Babić Leko M, Jurasović
J, Nikolac Perkovic M, Španić E, Sekovanić A, Orct T, Zubčić K, Langer Horvat
L, Pleić N, Kiđemet-Piskač S, Vogrinc Ž, Pivac N, Borovečki F, Hof PR, Šimić
Three different methods confirmed the association of macro and microelements
with cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease. Xjenza 2022; 10:
8th MNS Conference, Dubrovnik, 29.V.-2.VI.2022. 1198440
Babić Leko, M., Pleić N., Gunjača
I, Torlak V, Punda A, Šimić G, Polašek O, Zemunik T. The association of TSH
and thyroid hormones with APOE genotype. Xjenza 2022; 10: 141-142.
8th MNS Conference, Dubrovnik, 29.V.-2.VI.2022. 1198432
Babić Leko M., Nikolac Perković M,
Španić E, Švob Štrac D, Pleić N, Vogrinc Ž, Gunjača I, Klepac N, Borovečki
F, Pivac N, Zemunik T, Hof PR, Šimić G.
Polymorphisms within serotonin receptor genes are associated with genetic,
cerebrospinal fluid and neuropsychological biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease.
Xjenza 2022; 10: 141.
8th MNS Conference, Dubrovnik, 29.V.-2.VI.2022. 1198425
Šimić G. Therapeutic strategies for
attenuation of imminent inflammation in Alzheimer's disease. Xjenza 2022;
10: 70.
8th MNS Conference, Dubrovnik, 29.V.-2.VI.2022. 1198423
Zubčić, K., Franić, D., Pravica, M., Renić,
M., Bedalov, A., Šimić, G., Boban, M. Characterization of human tau protein
in yeast cells under normal and stress conditions.
Poster S06-292, Book of Abstracts, p. 5327. FENS Forum, Pariz, 9-13.VII.2022.
Španić, E., Babić Leko, M., Brgić, K., Vogrinc, Ž., Boban, M., Borovečki, F., Klepac, N., Šimić, G. Analysis of soluble TREM2 levels in CSF and plasma of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease subjects. Poster S04-593, Book of Abstracts, p. 3788-3789. FENS Forum, Pariz, 9-13.VII.2022. 1206330
15. VII. 2022. - 14. VI. 2024.
Šimić, G. Emerging biomarker concepts in the
Alzheimer's disease. Symposium of the continuing medical education “Alzheimer’s
disease: update 2022”
"Klovićevi dvori" Gallery, Zagreb, 16.IX.2022. 1215368
Šimić, G., Babić Leko, M., Mihelčić, M. Dynamics of blood and cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease. Symposium “Marin Bulat: The influence of the movement of interstitial and cerebrospinal fluid on the distribution of drugs, metabolites and biomarkers within the craniospinal space". 10th Croatian Congress of Pharmacology and 1st Croatian Congress of Clinical Pharmacology. (2022) Pharmaca 52 (Suppl. 2): 136. Opatija, 25.IX.2022. 1222249
Tudor, L., Nikolac Perković, M., Babić Leko, M., Videtić Paska, A., Kouter, K., Miloš, T., Nedic Erjavec, G., Vuić B., Konjevod, M., Šimić, G., Borovečki, F., Pivac, N. Epigenetic, genetic and expression analysis of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in Alzheimer's disease. 10th Croatian Congress of Pharmacology and 1st Croatian Congress of Clinical Pharmacology. (2022) Pharmaca 52 (Suppl. 2): 75. 1229004
Zubčić, K., Franić, D., Pravica, M., Šimić, G., Boban M. A yeast model for studying human tau protein. International Congress of the Croatian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology HDBMB-22, Book of Abstracts, P100, p. 161. Brela 28.IX. – 1.X.2022. 1229002
Šimić, G. Misconceptions and potential improvements of cerebrospinal fluid and blood diagnostics of neurological diseases. Professional meeting of the University Clinical Hospital "Zagreb" Neurology Clinic, Zagreb, 13.X.2022. 1225511
Babić Leko, M., Nikolac Perković, M., Švob Štrac,
D., Pleić, N., Gunjača, I., Klepac, N., Borovečki, F., Pivac, N., Zemunik, T.,
Hof, P. R., Šimić, G.
The association of polymorphisms within serotonin receptor genes with cerebrospinal
fluid, genetic, and neuropsychological biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease.
CROCAD-22 Croatian congress on Alzheimer's disease with international participation.
(2022) Neurologia Croatica 71 (Suppl. 3): 61.
Supetar, Brač, 5-8.X.2022. 1222086
Langer Horvat, L., Šimić, G. Development of
a non-transgenic rat model of tauopathy induced by injection of tau protein
into the medial entorhinal cortex.
CROCAD-22 Croatian congress on Alzheimer's disease with international participation.
(2022) Neurologia Croatica 71 (Suppl. 3): 60. (Prva nagrada
za najbolji poster)
Supetar, Brač, 5-8.X.2022. 1222085
Šimić, G. Consciousness changes in persons with Alzheimer's disease. CROCAD-22
Croatian congress on Alzheimer's disease with international participation.
(2022) Neurologia Croatica 71 (Suppl. 3): 25. Supetar, Brač, 5-8.X.2022.
Šimić, G. Redefining the role of microglial cells in the pathogenesis of psychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases. CROCAD-22 Croatian congress on Alzheimer's disease with international participation. (2022) Neurologia Croatica 71 (Suppl. 3): 20. Supetar, Brač, 5-8.X.2022. 1222083
Šimić, G. Development of consciousness. (2022)
Paediatria Croatica (Suppl. 1): 12-13. 3. Croatian children's health
congress with international participation.
Poreč, 28-30.X.2022. 1225504
Španić Popovački, E., Šimić, G. Alzheimer's
disease biomarkers. Alzheimer's disease Academy with international participation.
The Ethnological museum Zagreb.
Zagreb, 3-4.II.2023. 1251843
Šimić, G., Vukšić, M. Svijest i pamćenje. HAZU
Simpozij "Neurobiologija, ontogeneza i evolucija svijesti i samosvijesti
u čovjeka", Zagreb, 16.III.2023. 1261936
Šimić, G. Mozak i svijest. Predavanje za pedagoge
grada Zagreba u okviru 22. Tjedna mozga u Hrvatskoj. Zdravstveno veleučilište,
Mlinarska 38. 17.III.2023. 1261955
Španić Popovacki, E., Babić Leko, M., Brgić, K., Vogrinc, Ž., Boban, M., Klepac, N., Borovecki, F., Šimić, G. Cytokine and chemokine levels in the cerebrospinal fluid and plasma samples of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease subjects. 2nd Congress of the Croatian Alzheimer Alliance (2023) Neurologia Croatica 72 (Suppl. 1): 75. Varaždin, 29.III.-1.IV.2023. 1264723 (Treća nagrada za najbolji poster)
Horvat, L., Šimić, G. Novel non-transgenic tauopathy model induced by inoculation
of human tau fibrils and tau oligomers into the rat entorhinal cortex. 2nd Congress
of the Croatian Alzheimer Alliance
(2023) Neurologia Croatica 72 (Suppl. 1): 73-74. Varaždin, 29.III.-1.IV.2023.
Pivac, N., Nikolac Perković, M., Videtić Paska, A., Nedić Erjavec, G., Uzun, S., Kozumplik, O., Borovečki, F., Filipčić, I., Mimica, N., Babić Leko, M., Šimić, G., Švob Štrac, D. The association between the catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) genotpes with cognition in dementia. 2nd Congress of the Croatian Alzheimer Alliance (2023) Neurologia Croatica 72 (Suppl. 1): 30. Varaždin, 29.III.-1.IV.2023. 1264718
Šimić, G. Development of antisense oligonucleotides for therapy of neurodegenerative diseases. 2nd Congress of the Croatian Alzheimer Alliance (2023) Neurologia Croatica 72 (Suppl. 1): 22. Varaždin, 29.III.-1.IV.2023. 1264175 youtube
Šimić, G. Od unutarnjih i vanjskih čimbenika učenja do motivacije. Državni skup Agencije za odgoj i obrazovanje "Primjena novih jezikoslovnih spoznaja u ostvarivanju odgojno-obrazovnih ishoda jezika i komunikacije", Zagreb, Prirodoslovna škola Vladimira Preloga, 13.IV.2023. 1266488
Šimić, G. Biomarkeri za Alzheimerovu bolest iz cerebrospinalne tekućine i plazme. 8. hrvatski kongres "Dileme u neurologiji" 10-13.V.2023. Bol, Brač ppt 1274207
Šimić, G. Transgeneracijska trauma - ekperimentalni modeli i epigenetičke promjene. Poslijediplomski tečaj "Transgeneracijska trauma" 26.V.2023. Zagreb ppt 1277476
Berečić, I., Babić, M., Banović, M., Španić, E., Vukić, V., Vogrinc, Ž., Sertić, J., Barišić, N., Šimić, G. S100 calcium-binding protein B in cerebrospinal fluid of spinal atrophy patients patients treated with nusinersen. 12. Student Congress of Neuroscience – NeuRi 2023 NeuRi Book of Abstracts: 42-43. Rijeka – Rab 21-23.IV.2023. 1268422
Banović, M., Berečić, I., Babić, M., Španić, E., Vukić, V., Vogrinc, Ž., Sertić, J., Barišić, N., Šimić, G. Levels of neurofilament light chain protein in cerebrospinal fluid of spinal muscular atrophy patients treated with nusinersen. 12. Student Congress of Neuroscience – NeuRi 2023 NeuRi Book of Abstracts: 41. Rijeka – Rab 21-23.IV.2023. 1268423
Babić, M., Banović, M., Berečić, I., Španić,
E.,Vukić, V., Vogrinc, Ž., Sertić, J., Barišić, N., Šimić, G. Change of total
tau protein in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with spinal muscular atrophy
after nusinersen treatment. 12. Student Congress of Neuroscience – NeuRi 2023
NeuRi Book of Abstracts: 39-40. (The third place prize for the best
poster) Rijeka – Rab 21-23.IV.2023. 1268424
Langer Horvat, L., Španić Popovački, E., Šimić, G. Inoculation of human tau
fibrils and tau oligomers into the medial entorhinal cortex produces a novel
non-transgenic rat tauopathy model
(2023) Book of Abstracts of The Second Annual Meeting of the ProteoCure COST
Action, p. 77, Zagreb 12-15.VI.2023. 1281675
Golubić, A. T., Huić, D., Šimić, G. Biomarkers
in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease and Lewy body dementia. Postgraduate
course “Alzheimer's and Parkinson’s disease, and Lewy body dementia: update
2023”, Medicinska naklada, Zagreb, 2023, pp. 8-13. Zagreb 15.IX.2023. 799775
Langer Horvat, L., Šimić, G. Phosphorylated tau protein expression following
inoculation of human tau oligomers and synthetic tau fibrils into the rat medial
entorhinal cortex. 9th Croatian
Neuroscience Congress, Osijek, 17-19.XI.2023. 810825
Šimić, G. Can AI be conscious? Alliance4Life Early Stage Researchers' Retreat “AI in Science and Research Visibility“ Zagreb, 17.I.2024. 836044 ppt
Šimić G. Evolucija usamljenosti (i društvenosti) Evolution of loneliness (and sociability). Simpozij "Usamljenost i depresija" / Symposium “Loneliness and depression“, Klinički bolnički centar Zagreb / University Hospital Centre Zagreb, May 24, 2024. 835579 ppt
Španić Popovački, E., Vogrinc, D., Fuller H.
R., Langer Horvat, L., Mayer, D., Kopić, J., Pintarić, K., Babić Leko M., Pravica,
M., Krsnik, Ž., Marčinko, D., Šagud, M., Hof, P.R., Mladinov, M., Šimić, G.
NLRP1 inflammasome activation in schizophrenia. FENS Forum 2024, Vienna, June
25-29, 2024 835903 ppt
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page last updated on 28th June 2024 / stranica zadnji put obnovljena 28. lipnja 2024.
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